Saturday, September 13, 2008

Talents Galore

Usually I am a very modest person. But there are times when you just cannot hold back and have to brag a little.  This is one of those times.  I've got talent baby...LOTS of them.  Some of my smaller (but no less important) skills are that I can move my ears individually, make a very loud knocking sound with my mouth, hold my breath for over a minute and a half, and benchpress 175 pounds!  

My bigger talents are that I'm a masterful soccer player, I can teach almost any technology, and I am a superb joke-teller.  But my biggest talent is I can freestyle.  You give me a person, place, or thing and I can go off about it in rhymes. I've been doing it for about 12 years and was in a hip-hop band in college called Dichotomy.  We never really hit it big, but we did make and sell an album. My best memory of freestyling was walking in Union Square at night with some friends and there was a cipher with guys freestyling and rhyming.  I was a little bit intimidated to enter, but I pushed myself to do it.  Some of the guys were super talented, others were garbage.  After one of the rhymers had finished, I spoke up and started.  All eyes were on me and I knew it.  But I just stayed in the zone and kicked my own style.  People started bobbing there heads and smiling.  After it was over, a bunch of the guys came up to me and gave me props.  One guy pulled me aside and said, "Yo! That was incredible...I ain't ever seen anyone rhyme like that."  Needless to say, I felt dizzy with happiness.  Below is a short clip of me rhyming today.  Not my best...but not bad either:


Anonymous said...

haha Mr.lahana your so funny & awsome! So random :D

Mtucker188 said...

no coment son wow