Hello there! This is my first Blog post ever! So that you know who you’re dealing with, here are 8 random facts about llahana188:
1) My favorite dish in the world is pineapple pepperoni pizza.
2) My cat got stuck overnight in my bar-b-q when I was little.
3) When I was in college I won a bet that I could eat a Big Mac in one bite.
4) I am starting to like blue cheese.
5) When I went to school at UC Santa Cruz I was in a hip hop band called Dichotomy.
6) My wife used to work for GQ Magazine.
7) I have an older sister who lives in Oakland California.
8 ) When I was 16 I went to Israel.
1 comment:
Wow your faveorite is pineapple pizza!!! It's funny how you like pineaple ppizza. That sounds really disgcusting to me. But anyways everyone has their own apionions. ;)
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