Monday, November 16, 2009

10 Things I Fear...

by Juan Emilio

1. Mosquitos-- When they start buzzing around me I go c r a z y and can think of nothing else.
2. People talking about me negatively behind my back
3. Dropping my baby
4. Being out of shape-- Lots of my clothes don't fit me...will it get worse?
5. Life moving too quickly-- Will it be over before I know it?
6. Losing all my hair-- My dad's hairline starts way too high...will mine too?
7. Headaches-- How bad will this one be? Will it last forever?
8. Cold and Flu-- I need energy to be a dad and teacher? I can't get sick!
9. Tight Spaces--
10. Car Sickness-- It's only the first 20 minutes of a two hour car trip and I already feel sick! Will I make it without throwing up?

In number 9, I mentioned being afraid of tight spaces. Here's why: When I was about seven years old, I was with my family at my Aunt Sara's house. All my cousins were there and I was by far the youngest. They were all teenagers with deep voices and the beginning of whiskers.
Anyhow, we were all gathered in my cousin Freddy's room and there was this huge wooden toy chest. One of my cousin's said, "Louie, why don't you go in there and see if you fit." I did, and boy was it a mistake. As soon as I climbed into the small dark space the lid shut above me and a lock clanked closed. I heard muffled laughter erupt from outside and my stomach dropped.
"Help! Get me out of here! Let me out !" I repeated over and over again. They just continued to laugh. Finally, after I don't know how many minutes, my sister ran out and fetched my parents. My dad came in the room and let me out. But by that time the damage was done. Left in their scared and powerless, I am now permanently scared of tight spaces.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My Future Habitat

Hey there folks. I am a man who thinks about the future. And in this future, I do not want the world falling apart because we burned to much coal and oil to power all our stuff. Therefore, I created a model of a habitat I'd like to see as I walked down a typical street in New York.

In my habitat the local McDonald's will be powered partly by solar panels on the roof instead of electricity that comes from burning dirty coal.

My habitat will also have a "gas" station next to the McDonald's. Except the "gas" station will actually be pumping out used fry oil piped in from the McDonald's next door. In the future, most cars will have their engines changed so that they can except fry oil instead of gas (actually many cars do that right now!). Also, the McDonald's will be powered by wind turbines which take wind and convert it to energy.

My habitat will also bring more nature into the city. For example, there will be ponds with frogs, moss, and flies on the corner.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

greasy pizza

p i z z a
there's nothing
like it
greasy pepperoni
cheesy delicious
i can't get enough
until i've had enough
and i want to throw up
because i ate too much
grease stains
on my shirt
i wish it were white again
oh well.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009